Tabs are used for alternating between views within the same context, not to navigate to different areas. For navigation refer to the horizontal navigation guidelines.
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
<h2>This is tab 2</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
Applies to element
Sets the tab set to display as horizontal tabs (triggers across the top)
Sets the tab set to display as vertical tabs (triggers on the left)
Disables the tab set, so the triggers behave as links. Sometimes referred to as "page tabs" as the design looks like tabs, but each "tab" behaves like a standard HTML page (loads via a separate URL).
Note this will stop the tab links having tab events bound during load. Applying the class after the page has loaded has no effect.
one instance of .menu-item per tab set
Sets the active tab trigger on initial page load.
one instance of .tabs-pane per tab set
Sets the active tab pane on initial page load.
HTML Attributes
Applies to element
Sets whether tab state is persistent. If this attribute is defined, tab selection is persisted in the user's browser using HTML5 local storage. If this attribute is defined, the tab group
and each tab must have an id attribute defined. The value for the data-aui-persist attribute can be one of:
true or empty - for the default case
false - selection is not persisted
any other value - the attribute value is appended to the local storage key. This is typically used to separate local storage per-user in the same browser - eg data-aui-persist="username"
// example of enabling persistent tabs. No value is given so default key is used.
Makes the set of tabs responsive to the size of the container. This means that instead of wrapping the overflowing tabs will be placed into a dropdown.
The presence of the attribute is enough to enable the option however you can also explicitly pass in true.
This function is run when AJS.tabs is first loaded; it sets up events etc. You will need to run this again if you add new tab sets after page load.
JavaScript events
AJS.tabs only emits one event: tabSelect. When a tab is selected, it fires tabSelect which includes a reference to an object containing both the pane and the tab selected.