Forms are used to collect user input and configure options of a task the user is completing.
API status: | general |
Web resource key: |
AMD Module key: | N/A |
Experimental API: | 1 |
General API: | 3 |
Forms are constructed with a root element (form.aui), containers (commonly for rows), then various input or button types within those containers.
Commonly, there will be a set of fieldsets and field group elements (depending on the input type contained); and in almost all cases a buttons container at the end. Remember all inputs should have a label, it makes them more usable and accessible.
<form ... class="aui">
<div class="field-group">...</div>
<div class="field-group">...</div>
<div class="buttons-container">
<div class="buttons">...</div>
A simple example including a required field:
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="comment-email">Email
<span class="aui-icon icon-required">(required)</span></label>
<input class="text medium-field" type="text"
id="comment-email" name="comment-email" placeholder="">
<div class="description">Your
primary email address.</div>
<div class="field-group">
<label for="comment-input">Comment</label>
<textarea class="textarea" name="comment-input"
id="comment-input" placeholder="Your comment here..."></textarea>
<div class="buttons-container">
<div class="buttons">
<input class="button submit" type="submit" value="Save" id="comment-save-button">
<a class="cancel" href="#">Cancel</a>
Text inputs
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="text-input">Default field<span class="aui-icon icon-required">required</span></label>
<input class="text" type="text" id="text-input" name="text-input" title="Text input">
<div class="description">Default
width input of a required field</div>
<form class="aui">
<legend><span>Leave a comment</span></legend>
<div class="field-group">
<label for="textarea-id">Comment</label>
<textarea class="textarea" name="comment" id="textarea-id" placeholder="Your comment here..."></textarea>
Radio Buttons
<form class="aui">
<fieldset class="group">
<div class="radio">
<input class="radio" type="radio" checked="checked"
name="radiobuttons" id="radioButtonOne">
<label for="radioButtonOne">Save as a blog post</label>
<div class="radio">
<input class="radio" type="radio"
name="radiobuttons" id="radioButtonTwo">
<label for="radioButtonTwo">Save as a page</label>
<div class="radio">
<input class="radio" type="radio"
name="radiobuttons" id="radioButtonThree">
<label for="radioButtonThree">Save to your drafts</label>
<form class="aui">
<fieldset class="group">
<legend><span>Description of the set of checkboxes</span></legend>
<div class="checkbox">
<input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="checkBoxOne" id="checkBoxOne">
<label for="checkBoxOne">Receive email</label>
<div class="checkbox">
<input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="checkBoxTwo" id="checkBoxTwo">
<label for="checkBoxTwo">Receive push notification</label>
<input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="checkBoxThree" id="checkBoxThree">
<label for="checkBoxThree">Receive in-app notification</label>
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="select-example">Dropdown</label>
<select class="select" id="select-example" name="select-example">
<option>Option 1</option>
<option>Option 2</option>
<optgroup label="Group 1">
<option>Option one</option>
<option>Option two</option>
<option>Option 3</option>
<option>Option 4</option>
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="multiselect">Multi select</label>
<select class="multi-select" size="4" multiple="multiple" id="multiselect" name="multiselect">
<option>option one</option>
<option>option two</option>
<option>option three</option>
<option>option four</option>
<option>option five</option>
<option>option six</option>
File upload
<form class="aui">
<legend><span>File upload</span></legend>
<div class="field-group">
<label for="file-upload-example">Upload
<input class="upfile" type="file" id="file-upload-example" name="file-upload-example">
Styled file upload
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="ffi1">Fancy File Input</label>
<label class="ffi" data-ffi-button-text="Browse">
<input type="file" id="ffi1" name="ffi1" aria-label="Fancy File Input">
AJS.$(function () {
AJS.$('.ffi input[type="file"]').fancyFileInput();
Disabled field
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="disabled-field-id">Disabled
<input class="text" type="text" id="disabled-field-id" name="nameoffield" disabled>
Required field
Note AUI provides the visual style only, you will need to implement validation:
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="required-input">Field<span class="aui-icon icon-required">
<input id="required-input" type="text" class="text">
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<input type="text" class="text">
<div class="error">Error message here</div>
Descriptions go just after their input. They should only be used for non-critical, supplementary text. Critical information must go in the label:
<form class="aui">
<div class="field-group">
<input type="text" class="text">
<div class="description">Some
extra info that is nice to know but the user can get by without
Inline help
Forms include the option for an inline help field, which is hidden on load and toggled with JavaScript.
<form action="#" method="post" class="aui">
<label for="inline-help-example">First
name<span class="aui-icon icon-required"></span></label>
<input class="text" type="text" id="inline-help-example" name="inline-help-example">
<span class="aui-icon icon-inline-help"><span>Help</span></span>
<span class="field-help hidden">This
text will be toggled if the user clicks the help
Form layouts
The overall layout of the form can be chosen by adding a class to the root element:
- default, shorter labels (no additional class) - standard layout has narrow labels to the left of inputs.
- long-label (
class="aui long-label"
) - makes the labels wider. - top-label (
class="aui top-label"
) – Places labels above form elements (except radios and checkboxes where the label remains to the right of the input). This style is used for forms in narrow spaces.
<form class="aui top-label">
<div class="field-group">
<label for="toplabelfieldexample">Search users</label>
<input class="text" type="text" id="toplabelfieldexample" name="toplabelfieldexample">
Form input widths
You can increase the width of an input (note this is separate from the width of the label, controlled by form layouts) by adding a class to the input:
- Short:
- Medium:
- Medium-long:
- Long:
- Full width:
(this will make the field expand to the full available width)
For example, to set a long field:
<form class="aui">
<label for="longfieldexample">Search users</label>
<input class="text long-field" type="text" id="longfieldexample" name="longfieldexample">