
Spinners are used for showing a system process of unknown length going on that ends with the system displaying results to the user.


API status: general
Web resource key: com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-spinner
AMD Module key: N/A
Experimental API: 5.1
General API: 5.8
Web Component API: 7.7


Normal spinner

AUI's spinner is just an HTML element. Add it to wherever you need to indicate progress is being made.

Demo code
Small spinner
Medium spinner
Large spinner
<h5>Small spinner</h5>
<aui-spinner size="small"></aui-spinner>
<h5>Medium spinner</h5>
<aui-spinner size="medium"></aui-spinner>
<h5>Large spinner</h5>
<aui-spinner size="large"></aui-spinner>

Spinners in buttons

Spinners are integrated in to AUI buttons for you.

You can use the busy() and idle() functions on a button to change the user's perception of a button as 'busy'.
<button class="aui-button" id="button-spin-1">Do Something</button>
<button class="aui-button aui-button-primary" id="button-spin-2">Do Something</button>
AJS.$(document).on('click', '#button-spin-1, #button-spin-2', function() {
    var that = this;
    if (!that.isBusy()) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 2000);

Spinners in toggles

Spinners are integrated in to AUI toggles.

Demo code
var form = document.getElementById('wifi-toggle-form');
form.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
    var toggle = document.getElementById('wifi-toggle');
    var isChecked = toggle.checked;     // new value of the toggle
    if (isChecked === false) { // do not call server if unchecked
        console.log("toggle is unchecked");
    toggle.busy = true;
    $.post('set/my/variable', { value: isChecked })
        .done(function () {
        .fail(function () {
            toggle.checked = !isChecked;
            console.error('display an error message');
        .always(function () {
            toggle.busy = false;

Positioning spinners inside other components

As a discrete HTML element, spinners can be positioned by adding CSS to the spinner's parent element.

Demo code

Loading results...

<div id="search-area-example" class="custom-card-style">
    <p>Loading results...</p>
    <aui-spinner size="large"></aui-spinner>
#search-area-example {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
#search-area-example aui-spinner {
    margin: 1em;
.custom-card-style {
    border-radius: 3px;
        0 1px 1px rgba(9, 30, 66, 0.25),
        0 0 1px 0 rgba(9, 30, 66, 0.31);
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 20em;
Demo code
<nav class="aui-header" role="navigation" id="custom-spinner-example">
    <div class="aui-nav-secondary">
        <ul class="aui-nav">
                <form class="aui-quicksearch" method="post" action="/foo">
                    <label class="assistive" for="quicksearchid">Text search</label>
                    <input type="text" name="quicksearchname" placeholder="Type to see a spinner" class="search" id="quicksearchid">
#custom-spinner-example .aui-quicksearch input {
    width: 20em;
#custom-spinner-example .aui-quicksearch.custom-quicksearch-indicator::after {
    display: none;
#custom-spinner-example .aui-quicksearch.custom-quicksearch-indicator aui-spinner {
    color: inherit;
    position: absolute;
    right: 20px;
(function() {
    var spinner = document.createElement('aui-spinner');
    spinner.setAttribute('size', 'small');
    function startSearching() {
        var $container = AJS.$('.aui-quicksearch');
        return function stop() {
    var searchTimeout = null;
    AJS.$(document).on('input', '#quicksearchid', function(e) {
        var stopSearching = startSearching();
        searchTimeout = setTimeout(stopSearching, 2000);
    AJS.$(document).on('submit', '.aui-quicksearch', function(e) {


Name Attribute Property Type Default Description
size is an attribute is a property Enum medium An Enum which provides size of the spinner.
Possible values are: small(20px), medium(30px) and large(50px).
filled Deprecated is an attribute is a property Boolean false A Boolean which changes behavior of the spinner.
When present, the spinner element will be placed in the middle of the parent element and have a width and height of zero.

JavaScript API Deprecated

These functions are deprecated and only available via the com.atlassian.auiplugin:jquery-spin web-resource.

There are two jQuery functions available you can call on an element to add and remove a filled spinner.

Demo code
<button class="aui-button" id="spinner-trigger">Do Something</button>
<span class="button-spinner" style="display: inline-block; height: 10px; width: 20px"></span>
AJS.$(function() {
    var spinning = false;
    AJS.$('#spinner-trigger').on('click', function() {
        if (!spinning) {
            AJS.$(this).text('Stop Spinning!');
            spinning = true;
        } else {
            AJS.$(this).text('Do Something');
            spinning = false;

Calling AJS.$(element).spin() will append the following spinner to element:

<aui-spinner size="small" filled></aui-spinner>

Calling AJS.$(element).spinStop() will remove the spinner element.