
Messages are the primary method for providing system feedback in the product user interface. Messages include notifications of various kinds: alerts, confirmations, notices, warnings, info and errors.

Use Banner instead of Message in page headers

Message is for use in main page content.

To make announcement at the top of the page, use Banner instead.

Work-arounds for using Message in the page header are deprecated and will be removed in AUI 11.


API status: general
Web resource key: com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-message
AMD Module key: N/A
Experimental API: 3
General API: 5


There are several message types with different colours and icons.

Inserted with HTML

This instance was last backed up on

Attachments will not be backed up. This needs to be done manually.

Because of incorrect data format import wasn't complete.

You have backed up your system to C:/backups/filename.xml.

System updated in the background.

Inserted with JS

You successfully backed up your system! High-five!

Because you often need to specify where the message goes.

It's dark in here... just the way Grues like it.


There are a few ways to implement messages: using HTML (or Soy to generate the HTML) or using JavaScript.


Demo code

And this is just content in of the message.

<div role="note" aria-labelledby="css-message-example-title" class="aui-message aui-message-error">
    <p id="css-message-example-title" aria-hidden="true" class="title">
        <strong hidden>Error: </strong>
        <strong>Something failed!</strong>
    <p>And this is just content in of the message.</p>

This markup will make screen reader to announce message as note with type and title. User can skip it and go to further page content, or enter it to get detailed info.

It's recommended that you switch to Soy template, or even better - Web Component Message implementation. This will allow you to get all a11y labels right from a box as soon as you have id on the message.

Old (non-a11y) example

Demo code

Something failed!

And this is just content in of the message.

<div class="aui-message aui-message-error">
    <p class="title">
        <strong>Something failed!</strong>
    <p>And this is just content in of the message.</p>


Messages can be added through AUI's JavaScript API in two main ways. The most common is to inject the element inside a "context" element:

Demo code

And this is just content in a Default message."#a-custom-context", {
    id: 'js-message-example',
    title: 'This is a title in a default message.',
    body: '<p> And this is just content in a Default message.</p>'

If the context selector is omitted, the message is added to a static location: an element with id="aui-message-bar".

Demo code{
    id: 'js-message-example-2',
    title: 'This is a title in a default message.',
    body: '<p> And this is just content in a Default message.</p>'

Note that if you do not set the context, and the aui-message-bar element does not exist, the message will not appear as it has no target location.


{call aui.message.warning}
    {param titleContent: 'An error occurred - user intervention required!' /}
    {param closeable: 'true' /}
    {param id: 'messageIDattribute' /}
    {param content}
        <p>Some details about the error so the user knows what to do.</p>

Types of messages

When adding an HTML message, you must ensure root element (.aui-message) has the desired message class. Calling from Soy or JavaScript wraps this into one call, for convenience.

Note: icon class have been deprecated. The old message classes are also deprecated, now namespaced with aui-message-

Message type Message class Soy call JavaScript function
Info aui-message-info call
Error aui-message-error call aui.message.error AJS.messages.error()
Warning aui-message-warning call aui.message.warning AJS.messages.warning()
Confirmation aui-message-confirmation call aui.message.confirmation AJS.messages.confirmation()
Change aui-message-change call aui.message.change AJS.messages.change()
Success Deprecated aui-message-success call aui.message.success AJS.messages.success()
Generic Deprecated aui-message-generic call aui.message.generic AJS.messages.generic()
Hint Deprecated aui-message-hint call aui.message.hint AJS.messages.hint()

Message actions

If the message is more than just informational or there are obvious follow-up things a user could do, add a list of actions to the message body to allow the user to easily take their next step.
Actions should have the appearance of a link, but should use the appropriate HTML element for the action — for example, use a <button> when the action is handled by JavaScript or does something on the current page; use an <a> when the action can take the user to another location in the system.

Demo code
<div role="note" aria-labelledby="actions-message-title" class="aui-message aui-message-warning">
    <p id="actions-message-title" aria-hidden="true" class="title">
        <strong hidden>Warning: </strong>
        <strong>It's dark in here... just the way Grues like it. Choose what to do:</strong>
    <ul class="aui-nav-actions-list">
        <li><button class="aui-button aui-button-link">Turn on the light</button></li>
        <li><button class="aui-button aui-button-link">Take your chances</button></li>


If you want to allow the user to dismiss the message


HTML options

These options are set by adding classes to the root aui-message div.

Class Effect Example
closeable Adds a Close icon to the message which closes and removes the message when clicked.
<div class="aui-message closeable">...</div>
fadeout Deprecated Since 5.1. Makes the message fade away after five seconds. The fadeout will be cancelled if the user interacts with it (hover or focus). Note the fadeout option is best used via JavaScript and should not be used on critical errors and other information the user must be aware of.
<div class="aui-message fadeout">...</div>
aui-remove-on-hide Deprecated Removes the message from the DOM after being hidden
<div class="aui-message aui-remove-on-hide">...</div>

Soy options

These options are set by adding params to the Soy call.

Param Effect Default
content Required. Content to display within the message. n/a
titleContent Title text of the message. n/a
id ID attribute n/a
isCloseable Boolean. Set to true, makes the Message closeable. false

JavaScript options

These options are set in the options object when creating a Message with JavaScript:

Option Description Possible values Default
(context argument) You can override the default context by passing it into the first argument of the messages function. This is the only option set as an argument. A string in the form of an ID selector #aui-message-bar
body The main content of the message. HTML none
closeable Adds a control allowing the user to close the message, removing it from the page. boolean true
id Gives your message an ID attribute, useful for selecting the message later. ID string (no hash) none
insert Sets the insert point to the start (prepend) or end (append) of the context element (Option added in AUI 4.2), Since AUI 8.1.0 messages also support insertion before (before) and after (after) the context element. prepend, append, before, after append
title Sets the title text of the message. Plain text none
fadeout Deprecated Toggles the fade away on the message boolean false
delay Deprecated Time to wait (in ms) before starting fadeout animation (ignored if fadeout==false) number 5000
duration Deprecated Fadeout animation duration in milliseconds (ignored if fadeout==false) number 500
removeOnHide Deprecated Makes the message element disappear from the DOM after being visually hidden boolean n/a

AJS.messages events

Event Description
messageClose Deprecated When a message is closed, messageClose is fired before the message is removed from the DOM, including a reference to the DOM element being removed.
aui-message-close When a message is closed, aui-message-close is fired AFTER the element is removed, a reference to the message being removed is included in the event data.
$(document).on('aui-message-close', function (e, $el) {
    AJS.log('Message id: ' + $el.attr('id'));
    AJS.log('Should have no parent now', $el.parents());