Function |
Description |
Available since |
Example |
contextPath |
The AJS.contextPath() function returns the "path" to the application, which is needed when creating absolute urls within the application. |
3.5.5 |
AخA var url = AJS.contextPath() + "/rest/some/resource"; url = AJS.contextPath() + "/dashboard.action"; |
dim |
Blanket management. |
5.4.0 |
AJS.dim(); setTimeout(function () { AJS.undim(); }, 1000); |
undim |
Blanket management. |
5.4.0 |
AJS.dim(); setTimeout(function () { AJS.undim(); }, 1000); |
format |
Provides an easy way to substitute parameters into a string. |
5.4.0 |
console.log( AJS.format("This is a {0} test of {1}", "simple", "message format") ); |
I18n |
I18n keys. |
5.4.0 |
x // Possible, but AJS.I18n.getText is recommended console.log( AJS.I18n.keys['aui.toggle.on'] ); // Gets the i18n value console.log( AJS.I18n.getText('aui.toggle.on') ); // Returns the key console.log( AJS.I18n.getText('aui.key.that.does.not.exist') ); // If there are keys that have {0} params in them, AJS formatting can apply // Note: don't modify existing entries in AJS.I18N.keys directly, this is // done for demonstration purposes AJS.I18n.keys['aui.test'] = 'this is a {0} test'; console.log( AJS.I18n.getText('aui.test', 'formatting') ); |
messages |
Messages creation. |
5.4.0 |
AJS.messages.generic({ title: 'This is a title in a default message.', body: '<p> And this is just content in a Default message.</p>' }); |
navigation |
Used for manipulating navigation. Used in the header, and in the sidebar such as expanding and collapsing. |
5.6.0 |
console.log(AJS.navigation('#sidebar-nav').isCollapsed()); |
params |
Takes meta tags from the page and populates an object with them. |
5.4.0 |
AJS.populateParameters(); console.log(AJS.params); |
populateParameters |
Takes meta tags from the page and populates an object with them. |
5.4.0 |
AJS.populateParameters(); console.log(AJS.params); |
whenIType |
Keyboard shortcuts library. |
5.4.0 |
AJS.whenIType('ze').execute(function () { alert('I have executed.'); }); AJS.whenIType('c').click('#create'); AJS.whenIType('gh').or('gd').goTo(''); AJS.whenIType('n').moveToNextItem('.selector'); AJS.whenIType('p').moveToPrevItem('.selector'); |
version |
Returns the version of AUI. |
5.4.0 |
console.log(AJS.version); |
$ |
jQuery. |
5.4.0 |
console.log(AJS.$.fn.jquery); |
banner |
Creates a banner for the top of the page. |
5.9.0 |
AJS.banner({ body: 'Your <strong>license has expired!</strong> There are two days left to <a href="#">renew your license</a>.' }); |
dialog2 |
Constructor for dialog 2. |
5.4.0 |
// Shows the dialog when the "Show dialog" button is clicked AJS.$("#dialog-show-button").click(function() { AJS.dialog2("#demo-dialog").show(); }); // Hides the dialog AJS.$("#dialog-close-button").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); AJS.dialog2("#demo-dialog").hide(); }); // Show event - this is triggered when the dialog is shown AJS.dialog2("#demo-dialog").on("show", function() { console.log("demo-dialog was shown"); }); // Hide event - this is triggered when the dialog is hidden AJS.dialog2("#demo-dialog").on("hide", function() { console.log("demo-dialog was hidden"); }); // Global show event - this is triggered when any dialog is show AJS.dialog2.on("show", function() { console.log("a dialog was shown"); }); // Global hide event - this is triggered when any dialog is hidden AJS.dialog2.on("hide", function() { console.log("a dialog was hidden"); }); |
flag |
Creates a flag. |
5.7.0 |
var myFlag = AJS.flag({ type: 'info', title: 'Issue ADG-745 has been created.', body: '<ul class="aui-nav-actions-list">' + '<li><a href="#">View issue</a></li>' + '<li><a href="#">Add to sprint</a></li>' + '</ul>' }); |
formValidation |
Utilities for doing form validation. |
5.9.0 |
// Register a plugin validator that ensures an input field must start with a certain sequence of characters. AJS.formValidation.register(['startswith'], function(field) { if (field.el.value.indexOf(field.args('startswith')) !== 0){ field.invalidate(AJS.format('Input must start with {0}', field.args('startswith'))); } else { field.validate(); } }); |
progressBars |
Utility for handling progress indicators. |
5.9.0 |
AJS.progressBars.update("#some-id", 0.2); |
select |
Constructor for |
5.8.0 | See the single select API documentation. |
sidebar |
Constructor for the sidebar element. |
5.6.0 | See the sidebar API documentation. |
tablessortable |
Sortable table utility functions. |
5.6.0 | See the sortable table API documentation. |
Cookie Deprecated |
Store values in a persistent cookie without worrying about the application using too many cookies. |
3.5.5 |
// Save a value to the conglomerate cookie"COOKIES_ARE_COOL", "true"); // Save will also update a value previously saved"COOKIES_ARE_COOL", "not true"); // retrieve a value from the conglomerate cookie"COOKIES_ARE_COOL"); // remove a value from the conglomerate cookie AJS.Cookie.erase("COOKIES_ARE_COOL"); |
debounce |
Ensure that a constantly firing function doesn't cause performance issues. Don't use when binding to an infrequently firing event. |
5.1 |
function myFunction() { //function code } // This function won't fire if it has been less than 300ms before the last call var myDebouncedFunction = AJS.debounce(myFunction, 300); AJS.$(window).resize(myDebouncedFunction); |
debounceImmediate |
Like Don't use when binding to an infrequently firing event. |
5.9 |
function myFunction(){ //function code} // This function fires immediately and will not fire again until the last call passes 300ms var myDebouncedFunction = AJS.debounceImmediate(myFunction, 300); AJS.$(window).resize(myDebouncedFunction); |
escapeHTML |
The AJS.escapeHtml() performs html-safe escaping of the input string. Specifically, it encodes:
4.0 |
var url = "\u005C\u003E\u003Cscript\u003Ealert(\u0027XSS\u0027)\u003B\u003C/script\u003E"; // BAD: XSS problem $("#mydiv").html(url); // GOOD $("#mydiv").html(AJS.escapeHtml(url)); |
format |
Provides an easy way to substitute parameters into a string. |
1.0 |
AJS.format("Have a {0} day", "good"); /* Have a good day */ AJS.format("Have a '{0}' day", "good"); /* Have a '{0}' day */ AJS.format("Have a ''{0}'' {1}", "good", "Monday"); /* Have a 'good' Monday */ |
I18n.getText |
AUI includes a web resource transformer that will translate some javascript into the literal strings before being served. |
3.5.5 | |
isDirty |
Make sure users cannot accidentally lose data. |
2.0 |
AJS.$("formname=jiraform").isDirty(); |
log |
A safe alternative to |
1.0 |
AJS.log("Your message here."); |
version |
Detects the version of AUI on the current page. |
1.2 |
// for peace-of-mind checking AJS.log(AJS.version); // "3.0" // To use it in all its glory if (AJS.version == "3.0") { // take advantage of the awesomeness of AUI 3.0 } else { // write awesome custom code } |