AUI Label


AUI provides a wrapper around the native label element for use with other AUI components.

An AUI label should be used with the following components only:


API status: experimental
Included in AUI core? Not in core You must explicitly require the web resource key.
Web resource key: com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-label
AMD Module key: N/A
Experimental API: 5.9



<aui-label for="my-toggle">Click here to toggle</aui-label>
<aui-toggle label="toggle button" id="my-toggle"></aui-toggle>

API Reference

Attributes and properties

Attributes can optionally be set on the aui-label element.

Attribute Type Description
for required String The id of the element that the AUI label is bound to.
form String The id of the form element that the AUI label is associated with. See the HTML5 spec for more details.