
Application header

Code snippetsDesign guidelines


Atlassian is standardising the header pattern across its suite of apps. To have consistent experiences with multiple products we're making the common areas of usage look and work the same every time.

Each app will have its own logo and set of specific navigation. The right side of the header is for search, administration tasks, help and the user menu.

Note as of AUI 5.1, the application header collapses at smaller screen sizes - extra navigation items are moved into a "More" dropdown.


API status:general
Included in AUI core?Yes. You do not need to explicitly require the web resource key.
Web resource key:com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-header
Experimental since:5.0
General API status:5.1




This example includes the optional Quicksearch pattern:

<!-- Must be the immediate child element within <header role="banner" id="header"> from the Page pattern -->
<nav role="navigation" class="aui-header aui-dropdown2-trigger-group">
  <div class="aui-header-primary">
    <h1 class="aui-header-logo aui-header-logo-jira" id="logo"><a href="#"><span class="aui-header-logo-device">JIRA</span></a></h1>
    <ul class="aui-nav">
      <li><a href="">Navigation item or dropdown trigger</a></li>
      <li><a href="" class="aui-button aui-button-primary">Primary button</a></li>
  <div class="aui-header-secondary">
    <ul class="aui-nav">
        <form class="aui-quicksearch" method="post" action="/foo">
          <label class="assistive" for="quicksearchid">Search</label>
          <input type="text" name="quicksearchname" placeholder="Quick Search" class="search" id="quicksearchid">
      <li><a href="">Often an icon-only dropdown</a></li>


  • The logo can be set to a product logo or simple text
  • Header navigation can be simple links, dropdown2 triggers, a primary button for the hero action
  • Header contains a quick search pattern
  • Header navigation items can contain an icon or avatar (aui-avatar-small) and also be dropdowns

Logo options

The logo pattern is:

<h1 id="logo" class="aui-header-logo aui-header-logo-PRODUCTNAME">
    <a href=""><span class="aui-header-logo-device">Name of product</span></a>

To set the product logo, replace aui-header-logo-PRODUCTNAME with one of the following:

  • aui-header-logo-aui
  • aui-header-logo-bamboo
  • aui-header-logo-bitbucket
  • aui-header-logo-confluence
  • aui-header-logo-crowd (AUI 5.1+)
  • aui-header-logo-fecru
  • aui-header-logo-hipchat
  • aui-header-logo-jira
  • aui-header-logo-stash

Or for plain text:

  • aui-header-logo-textonly

You must include the this class to ensure proper rendering for plain text.

For custom logos, you can either add your own class; or replace the aui-header-logo-device span with an IMG tag.