


User AvatarUser AvatarUser AvatarUser AvatarUser AvatarProject AvatarProject AvatarProject AvatarProject AvatarProject Avatar


Small pieces of extra information within components like Navigation, eg. a count:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


AUI Buttons cover combinations of free standing, grouped, disabled and toggled buttons:

Sets of grouped buttons can be contained in Toolbar2 for a complete toolbar.

Date Picker

A simple date picker polyfill for browsers that don't support date fields.


Expander experimental api

Content title

What happens when you add a shiny new browser to a stack of already-disagreeing citizens? You’ll inevitably find some bugs. This is the story of how we found a rendering quirk and how the Atlassian frontend team found and refined the fix. The Problem The Atlassian User Interface (AUI) library has just finished an IE10 sprint to get our library prepped and ready for the newest member of the browser family. While IE10 seems generally quite good, we found a couple of problems due to IE10 dropping conditional comments; plus some undesirable behaviours. Show more


Available in several flavours including compact top-label style, long-label and short-label:

Inline error message
Description text to assist users


For the full set of icons and sizes, refer to the docs.

Global vector icons:

View Configure Add Help Search Success Workbox Workbox (full) Email App Switcher Edit Share User Comment Add Comment Search Remove Close Remove Label Time Error Info Approve Build JIRA Doc Star Unstar Watch Unwatch List view Card view Table view RSS Expanded Collapsed Flag Confluence Attachment Calendar Details Arrows up Arrows down Link Locked Unlocked More Quote Warning

Dev tools vector icons:

Folder closed Folder open File File binary Branch Repository Repository forked Repository private Commit Pull request Tag Tag Browse up Clone Fork Submodule Arrow right Arrow left Task in progress Task cancelled Task disabled Branch (small) Commented file Compare Checkout Side-by-side diff

JIRA icons:

Completed task Test session

Vector icons also available in large:

View Configure Add

Other icons:

Wait Close Close Generic Error Info Warning Success

Dev tools

Folder closed Folder open File File binary Branch Repository Repository forked Repository private Commit Pull request Tag Browse up Clone Fork Submodule Arrow right Arrow left Task in progress Task cancelled Task disabled Branch (small) Commented file

You should adjust the alternative text (the text inside the SPAN element) to suit the meaning and usability of your scenario. If you are using it in a button which has the button's action as visible text, you don't need to duplicate the text inside the icon too. However if you are creating an icon-only control, you should include the alternative text.

Inline dialog

If you don't need a full modal Dialog, you you can use an Inline Dialog.

Show inline dialog

Layout (Group + Item)

Borders and backgrounds added for demonstration purposes only - in production, no borders or backgrounds will be applied.

Evenly spaced item

Evenly spaced item

Evenly spaced item

Evenly spaced item

Split group - first item aligned left.

Split group - second item aligned right.

Trio group - first item aligned left.

Trio group - second item aligned centre.

Trio group - third item aligned right.

Keyboard shortcuts

WhenIType allows you to trigger various events based on keyboard input.

Type "z" then "e" to execute some simple JavaScript.


AUI provides a CSS-only Label component - each product's implementation is expected to be different, so no default JS is provided.

unclickableUncloseableclickableclosableNoUrl(remove closableNoUrl)splitLabel(remove splitLabel)


Standard and Subtle variations:

default success error current new moved

default success error current new moved


Inserted with HTML

Backup stale

This instance was last backed up on Thursday, 18 September 2011.

Backing up attachments

Attachments will not be backed up. This needs to be done manually.

Destructive operation!

Data import will wipe all existing content - make sure you backup first!


You have backed up your system to C:/backups/filename.xml.

Backup stale

This instance was last backed up on Thursday, 18 September 2011.

Inserted with JS

Progress Tracker experimental api

  1. Step One
  2. Step Two
  3. Step Three
  4. Step Four
  5. Step Five

AUI has a core set of navigation elements, which are most commonly used in horizontal and vertical navgroups.

Should be placed immediately before .aui-page-panel

Usually placed inside an .aui-page-panel-nav but will expand horizontally to fit any appropriate container element.

Used to show links between paginated content:


Page Layouts

The AUI Page component sets up the whole-page layout, with several options:

Fluid (default)FixedHybridFocused Task
Diagram showing page with fluid width header, content and footer.Diagram showing page with fixed width header, content and footer.Diagram showing page with fluid width header and footer, but fixed width content.Diagram showing page with narrow content area.

Content layouts

Within page layouts, there is a dedicated pattern for setting up the content's layout.

Content OnlyNav + ContentContent + SidebarNav + Content + Sidebar
Diagram showing content area with no extra columns.Diagram showing content area with navigation and content.Diagram showing content area with content and a sidebar.Diagram showing content area with navigation, content and sidebar.
Project Name
  1. Breadcrumbs
  2. Sub-page
  3. Direct parent page

Page header with avatar, breadcrumbs and actions


Horizontal tabs

Tab 1

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Tab 2

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Tab 3

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Vertical tabs

Tab 1

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Tab 2

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Tab 3

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.


Just add class="aui" to your tables (for tabular data, never layout!). Follow correct structure - include THEAD and TBODY, use TH for headers and TD for body:

Ship nameNicknameTypeMisadventure
Red DwarfThe Crimson Short OneJMC mining vesselDuplicated, shrunk, lost, found, rebuilt by nanobots.
StarbugThe BugJMC transport shuttleCrashed multiple times, shot at, sunk.
Nova 5Not knownCoca-Cola marketing vesselCrashed with soapy mainframe.

Sortable tables experimental api

You can make AUI tables sortable according to their header row. Columns can be set to unsortable, or sort by special cases such as Issue Keys:

Key Issue Name Watchers Description
KAR-1123 Cannot sort tables 2 Table sorting should be allowed
KAR-87 Issue Page doesn't load in IE 0 When loading issue page on IE it doesn't show
KAR-1133 Program crashes on opening 3 When opening JIRA it crashses
KAR-4 Vending Machine is empty 9001 NO SOFT DRINK!
BAT-4 Computer is dead 1 Work computer is not turning on
BAT-11 Workers are being too loud 10 The people around me are too loud
BATA-8 Lift door sometimes doesn't open 16 When trying to enter the lift, the doors do not open
BATA-14 Coffee machine is needed 501 Coffee is needed


Tooltips experimental api