
Tooltips can describe a UI element in a little bit more detail when users deliberately hover on an element.


API status: general
Web resource key: com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-tooltips
AMD Module key: N/A
Experimental API: 5.1
General API: 5.8


Hover over me


Calling .tooltip() will create a tooltip with ADG style and default options applied.


Options are set by passing in an options object.

You can override default (200px) max width of the tooltip by setting the maxWidth option:

You can control the direction/positioning of the tooltip by setting the gravity option:

The text of the tooltip can be set arbitrarily:

You can unbind and remove tooltips by passing in the string value "destroy". Tooltips bound using the live option cannot be destroyed.

You can disable tooltips by passing in the string value "disable". You can enable tooltips back by passing in the string value "enable".