Look and Feel


AUI components can be configured with dynamic CSS variables following the pattern --atl-theme-<name>.


API status: experimental
Web resource key: com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-design-tokens-themes
AMD Module key: N/A
Experimental API: 9.13


The feature works only when design token themes are present on the page, see Dark mode.

The Original theme is not supported, make sure you don't set the --atl-theme<name> variables globally if your application allows the Original theme.

If you use AUI from WRM, make sure you are including com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-design-tokens-themes. Most likely, you've done this already when setting up the design tokens themes.

If you use NPM, there is a separate resource: include the aui-prototyping-lf-extracted-color-channels.css file on the page.


Set --atl-theme<name> CSS variables to the page :root. (More fine-grained contexts can work too.) It will affect the look and feel of certain AUI components.

These variables are intended to be customized by the app admin, and until introduction of this AUI feature applications handled the use case differently.

If your application allows customization of a single set of colors, include those variables under a CSS selector that catches that a design-tokens-based theme (Light or Dark; not Original) is loaded.

If your application allows customization of pairs of colors—separately for the Light and for the Dark theme,—include two blocks: the first customized value under the light-theme selector and the second customized value under the dark-theme selector.

Variable Effect
--atl-theme-header-bg-color Sets app header background. Sets item text color to contrast with the background unless the text color is customized.
--atl-theme-header-item-text-color Sets text color for regular items in the header. If not set, the appropriate value of --ds-text will be used to contrast with the background.
--atl-theme-header-primary-button-bg-color Sets background for the primary button in the header. Sets its text color to contrast with the background unless the text color is customized.
--atl-theme-header-primary-button-text-color Sets text color for the primary button in the header. If not set, the appropriate value of --ds-text-inverse will be used to contrast with the background.
--atl-theme-header-logo-image For the CSS mode of logo rendering, applies the background-image property on the .aui-header-logo-device element. Use in conjunction with the --atl-theme-header-logo-width (see below), otherwise the logo won't be visible.
--atl-theme-header-logo-width For the CSS mode of logo rendering, applies width on the .aui-header-logo-device element.

Output variables

AUI exports derived variables whose values depend on the input variables.

Variable Explanation
--atl-theme-header-bg-color-tinted-contrasting A value derived from --atl-theme-header-bg-color: darkened if it is perceptually light; lightened if it is perceptually dark. Can be used, for example, to show the "selected" state of header items.

Accessibility note

This feature allows the user to set the customized colors to arbitrary values, which can lead to the contrast between elements—e.g., between the logo and the header, or between the item text color and the header background color—be below the WCAG AA recommended values.

As such, consider adding a notice for the person who'd be configuring the values (in case of an Atlassian product, an admin) that it is their responsibility to check the contrast of the customized values.

Reference: MDN