Inline Dialog upgrade guide

This page is a guide to upgrading from the deprecated Inline Dialog API to the new web component API.

Inline Dialog


Use the new markup API, which contains the Inline Dialog content. If you previously injected content into the Inline Dialog by passing in a URL or function, then set the content of the <aui-inline-dialog> element instead.

Inline Dialog trigger
<a href="#" id="old-inline-dialog">Inline Dialog trigger</a>
AJS.InlineDialog(AJS.$("#old-inline-dialog"), "myDialog", function(contents, trigger, showPopup) {
  contents.html('Example Inline Dialog content.');
  return false;
<a data-aui-trigger href="#" aria-controls="inline-dialog">Inline Dialog trigger</a>
<aui-inline-dialog id="inline-dialog" alignment="bottom left">
    Example Inline Dialog content.

Conversion Guide

The following tables provide a guide to converting usages of the old deprecated Inline Dialog API to the new web component API.


Use this table as a guide to upgrading Javascript functions available on the deprecated Inline Dialog object.

I previously used... I should now use...
show(e, trigger) open attribute
hide() open attribute
refresh() not supported - Dynamic content not currently supported


Use this table as a guide to converting options passed into the deprecated Inline Dialog instantiation function.

I previously used... I should now use...
onHover responds-to attribute or respondsTo property
closeOnTriggerClick not supported - Dialog closes on trigger click by default
noBind not supported - Events are triggered natively on the <aui-inline-dialog> element
fadeTime not supported
hideDelay not supported
showDelay not supported
width The dialog will expand to fit the content, or use custom styles on the <aui-inline-dialog> element instead
offsetX alignment attribute
offsetY alignment attribute
container not supported
cacheContent not supported - Dynamic content not currently supported
hideCallback aui-hide event
initCallback aui-show event
isRelativeToMouse not supported
closeOthers not supported
responseHandler not supported - Dynamic content not currently supported
onTop alignment attribute
gravity alignment attribute
useLiveEvents not supported
displayShadow not supported - Shadows are always shown
addActiveClass not supported - Use the open attribute to determine whether the Inline Dialog is open or closed
calculatePositions not supported
arrowOffsetX alignment attribute
arrowOffsetY alignment attribute
persistent persistent attribute
The new <aui-inline-dialog> web component currently does not support dynamic content.