
Avatars are used to add a human touch and instant clarity when understanding which user did what in the application. We also use avatars for projects, repositories, spaces and other container metaphors within Atlassian Apps.


API status: general
Included in AUI core? Yes. You do not need to explicitly require the web resource key.
Web resource key: com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-avatars
AMD Module key: N/A
Experimental API: 5
General API: 5.1


User Avatar User Avatar User Avatar User Avatar User Avatar Project Avatar Project Avatar Project Avatar Project Avatar Project Avatar


User avatars

Project avatars

Avatars can be used for "container" objects — projects, spaces, repositories, etcetera — to give them a recognisable visual identity.


Textual descriptions of avatars

An avatar must include a textual description of the concept it represents, so that its meaning can be conveyed and understood in non-visual contexts as well.

  • In most cases, the avatar's <img> tag should include an alt attribute describing the image.
  • In cases where the avatar is logically grouped with text content that describes the concept (for example, in a page header), the avatar is effectively decorative. In such cases, you should provide an empty alt attribute description.

Badged content

Avatars may have a single additional element overlaid in one of their four corners.

Use badged content to represent the type, permission, presence, or other contextually relevant information about the user or container.

The badged content must also include a textual description of the information it represents, so that its meaning can be conveyed and understood in non-visual contexts as well.